

This is tough to write. Even harder is the thought that my old journal is floating around somewhere. Then I ponder what happened to Mina? Was she left back there with our things? I’m hoping she just avoided the port to the outer planes and is ok. Perhaps even trying to seek us out. The thought that she may have not survived the teleport worries me. Did we lose our fateful comrade and is everyone hoping that she is alive? Regardless of our items and gear will we ever meet up with our friend again?

But my old journal is floating around somewhere. If Mina has it safe with our other items then excellent. However if it was to surface then what would happen. My thoughts and worries about various group members could that cause harm? The decision if I wanted to create a new journal has been a tough one. Part of me doesn’t like the idea that someone could read my thoughts but the other part tells me this is what I want because I want our story to be heard. This would just be one part of the overall story. People who read my journal would only be getting a small part of the story but it’s a perspective you don’t normally get. So I decided I would keep writing in a new book.

I’ve also been trying to improve on my musical ability. While raw talent has carried me a ways there are steps that it wont cover/ Areas that I have to practice.


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